i am HOME! finally, i'm out from college. yesh yesh! n FINALLY, my exams over!! wee~ i'm over all the stress girls~
summarizing my exams in one word would be exhausting! especially my practical exams. but..kinesiology practical exams was quite fun..since i'm the last group to be examined, the examiner kinds of loosen up already. and since we already got some of the questions from our friends who had done it earlier. its not like we're already confident or anything, i am still nervous.
but at least i didn't screw up like i how i did in my therapeutic exercise and electrophysical modalities.
enough with my exams. to all my girls and boys. bit of a bad news here. i may have trouble in joining any kind of gathering(small or big) due to my SUA practice.
date: 18th November-4 December
time: 9am-5pm
so, u see. it's a whole day practice but i'll try to make myself available for you guys okayh?
i was thinking of a whole lot of things to say in my blog but suddenly now..i'm just to sleepy to go on.
but, i'm saving this for last.
my dear sayang, i never chased u away. been busy and been confused. u know that.
tried to plan for us but since u either dont want to tell me or u really dont want to come home so i cant do anything.
love u =)
Friday, November 21, 2008
home sweet home~
Posted by AIN at 12:51 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
i'm home! it felt BRILLIANT to be home. theehee..
what does it feels like to wear brilliantly sculptured chocolate as clothing?
i read about this in Kosmo! today. cool~
the turn the chocs into lara croft clothing including the gun and all. there's also bat woman with a huge choc wing. haha! cute one!
click here to read about it ;p
p/s: exam daku sangat menyakitkan jiwa!
Posted by AIN at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
late post on this one..
now where do i start?
last saturday which is on the 1st of november, 5 families(including mine) who lives in a row organizes a bBq nite. it's one hell of a night. its been a while since i met most of them. as any usual bBq we ate drink laugh talk gossips yadayadayada..
we also held a lucky draw where each family sponsors one hamper. haha! well, neither one of the organizers won the lucky draw.
here's a pict which i like the most..it is so..how should i say this.. neighboury? ;pXOXO
Posted by AIN at 1:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
malam ini..
ku tak dapat melihat sang bulan dan bintang-bintang yang sentiasa mengelilinginya..
seperti langit yang gelap..
seperti itu juga hatiku ketika ini..
segala semangat yang telah terbina selama ini..
hilang dibawa segala masalah yang tak pernah berhenti meragut nya..
dan saat ini juga..
ku mampu bersyukur kerna dikurniakan seseorang yang sangat memahami diriku..
tanpa dia aku buntu..
semangat ku mungkin tak akan pulih sampai bila-bila..
kamu tahu siapa kamu..
Posted by AIN at 12:50 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Ikhwanul Naim
i forgot something.
i got this news on Thursday night.
words could not decribed what i felt when he broke to me the news.
Naim is going to stay!
well, if u had read my previous one. i'd mention about him wanted to change his programme. apparently, he changed his mind and decided to stay in Physiotherapy programme. we'd only known each other for one sem but we're quite close. kan Naim? haha!
"kan aku dah kata, kau akan sayang aku lebih ;p"
-Ikhwanul Naim-
Posted by AIN at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Practical Exam
my practical exams would be on the 19th and 20th of November.
on the 21st, i am required to be a model for Diploma Part 1 practical exam.
mira is like... "o'oh~ abeslaa~"
but she refused to tell more..
Posted by AIN at 1:47 PM 0 comments