come out come out wherever you are~
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Cicak & Ridsect.
come out come out wherever you are~
Posted by AIN at 9:05 PM 0 comments
i am officially in a chaos rite now!
i thot i could spend the break by revising. ( i am soo lost!)
i was not aware that my mum was in progress of remodelling all the bedrooms!
so, the house is practically a store. (so not a place to study.)
and i've got to help around.
'coz, u see..
we're going to have new tiles this Wednesday.
so, by hook or by crook, the painting must be finished by tomorrow!
fortunately, my rooms is 70% done.
unlike my mum's n bro's.
and oh yeah.
this diva helps w the paintings. :D
then, new furnitures are next!
back to my chaotic life. i also need to email my assignments by Wednesday. but alas, i've nothing yet! typical me. :(
there is also all those programs for PHYTAS.
in addition to my already too chaotic life,
is that i've got to go on a family gath this weekend.
it's not that i hate it.
i love fam gath!
it's just that's the timing is a bit off.
if not for the sem break, i might not be able to make it.
apart all this mess,
i am loving my life.
i have all these friends.
all these peoples around me.
my family!~
and not to forget, Love. :)
i know. i know.
he's not perfect.
but i've said it once (or maybe twice or more) but i'll say it again.
Posted by AIN at 1:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Bukit + Jalan yg Lurus = Roller coaster~
saya belajar menghadap pemandangan yang damai.
Lewat petang.
itula fakulti saya!~
Fakulti Sains Kesihatan~
(gile x mcm bangga ke?)
(cet! poyo je. padahal baru blk klas je~)
:)) :)) :))
killer x?
maybe around 300 staircases?
(jgn salahkan ain x le gemok!~)
UiTM moves our mid sem break to this upcoming week.
as u all could imagine, yes.
H1N1 flu outbreak is the reasons.
tau tak betapa gile nye uitm nie.
unfortunately for us,
we have to yet, again postponed our orietation day for the juniors.
which is such a nuisance.
a waste of time i must say.
oh. i was in shah alam yesterday.
for my 1st ever swimming lessons.
it was...
fun? more to cold i guess.
macam mandi ais.
i did okay.
bubble? breathing? fail. :))
float? passed~
breaststroke? more rooms for improvement.
back stroke? otw to perfect.
free style? did not try.
butterfly? cuma mampu melihat. :))
till next time, mwahxes!~
Posted by AIN at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
betapa tuhan je tahu maranye ain pd diri seniri.
kenapa la ain jd sgt sgt pelupa nie!
ya allah.
benda depan mata pun boleyh lupe amek!
bangangnye rase...
benda tue xde la mati klau x jumpa balik.
tue la benda plg bodoh yg boley dilupekan.
dala depan mata, besar lak tue bukan kecik.
tertinggal jgk??
rase nak hentak2 je kpale nie.
pelupa sgt..!
teruk sgt da memori..
mara sgt kat diri sdr..
bunuh kan ain plz??
Posted by AIN at 12:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
wo hen hao. :)
ADIK kamu baik2 saje~
Minggu ke 3 selepas semester bermula. emm.
Saya rasa makin sesak.
Nak catch up semua pelajaran dari pelbagai jenis dan ragam lecturer?
sesak sangat rasa.
saya rase seperti di semester 1.
blank. confuse. clueless.
Terima Kasih Cinta. Terima kasih Clasmates/ roomates/ housemates.
U saya sengal.
Benarkan pelajar bwk kereta. tapi tak boley bwk pegy klas.
2 pilihan utk semua pelajar yang ada kereta atau tak ada.
1. Naik bas shuttle utk ke fakulti atau pulang ke kolej.
2. Mendaki tangga yang mungkin da pecahkan record batu caves untuk pergi ke kelas atau pulang dari kelas.
Pelajar yang bwk moto?
mereka selamat dari kedua-dua pilihan di atas.
Ye, saya x suka shuttle bas yang macam sardin.
Jadi saya pilih utk naik & turun tangga.
Hebatkan saya? :))
Si dia pun tak dpt nk bantu saya.
The last time he tried, ends up with him climbing up & down the frigging staircases as well. :D
sorry dear. tak tau pn ade jpj nak buat roadblock kat bwh tu.
Inilah realiti hidup Uitm.
jangan salah paham.
saya seronok belajar di sini.
saya tak taula program lain mcm mane kan.
tapi buat masa ni, saya masih boleh survive. :D
agak2 klau rase lutut nk tcabut panjat tangga tueh, sy bwtla proposal utk uitm sediakan escalator.
okay. ain merepek.
btw, percaya x saya ade hamstring limitation?
dalam keadaan berbaring (supine lying), saya tak mampu utk tegakkn kaki saya ke atas.
x sampai 90 deg. mungkin hanya 60 deg saja.
adoii! betapa ke-flexibility-an saya dah x ade.
secara sukacita, saya mengumumkan saya akan menjadi subjek dlm research senior sy.
oh. to suriati.
Kat puncak alam FB n myspace are not banned.
takkan kat induk kne ban?
till next time, muahxes~
Posted by AIN at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
hari nie saya nak b'bahasa melayu.
senang saya nk merapu.
puncak alam?
saya tak tau nape.
kemahiran nak b'camwhore seoerti matul sudah takde.
lame x camwhore.
nak ltak kat blog pn xde gamba.
tangga sgt tinggi. trun penat sket.
penat banyak!
sangat pack.
bukan ape, blik da jaoh, time break lepak je kat fact.
atau dlm surau mcm tin sardin.
tak bukak lg. mcm bangang.
tak pahamla ain.
kampus yg x siap penuh lagi pn da mskkn student.
kafe + masjid. haha.
sengal kn?
tapi saya agak bertuah.
pergi kelas dengan kereta.
dia amek sy. die anta sy.
sayang die.
new sem?
PHYTAS semakin memeningkan.
course2 baru?
susah. application application.
anatomy. physiology.
clinical condition?
lagi laa pening.
keje banyak.
tapi x tau camane nk organize.
masih gembira.
harap berkekalan.
Posted by AIN at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
To: Rezuin Nurulsadia
we're fine.
except for the fact that the studies are getting tougher.
oh, i did mention i despise my class schedule rite?
it's packed like ~~
nk date pn susah.
for the moment,
i am very the busy.
tak banyak masa macam matul.
what's with all the assignments & programs.
again, nak date pn susah.
struggling to balance my studies and my social life.
tak sabar nak lepaskan jawatan.
i nak ckp i ok je.
i tau u rindu i gakk~
nnt i update selalu selalu ye?
Posted by AIN at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Puncak Alam
after a few days here then only i've got the chance to update this blog.
currently i'm in puncak alam.
i'm loving the weather here.
but thats about all that i love.
i'm despising my timetable.
what else?
i dont know.
i'm too speechless.
i dont know what to say.
i'm just hoping that things wouldnt get worst.
especially with YOU!
Posted by AIN at 12:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 2, 2009
i know.
somehow, i'm gambling my luck into this.
my intention has nothing to do with revenge.
or anything to do with your past.
i just thought of her as a friend.
every single things backfired.
an innocent confession turns into a mess.
Posted by AIN at 4:40 PM 0 comments