Tuesday, July 28, 2009


i am officially in a chaos rite now!

i thot i could spend the break by revising. ( i am soo lost!)
i was not aware that my mum was in progress of remodelling all the bedrooms!
so, the house is practically a store. (so not a place to study.)
and i've got to help around.

'coz, u see..
we're going to have new tiles this Wednesday.
so, by hook or by crook, the painting must be finished by tomorrow!
fortunately, my rooms is 70% done.
unlike my mum's n bro's.
and oh yeah.
this diva helps w the paintings. :D

then, new furnitures are next!

back to my chaotic life. i also need to email my assignments by Wednesday. but alas, i've nothing yet! typical me. :(
there is also all those programs for PHYTAS.

in addition to my already too chaotic life,
is that i've got to go on a family gath this weekend.
it's not that i hate it.
i love fam gath!
it's just that's the timing is a bit off.
if not for the sem break, i might not be able to make it.

apart all this mess,
i am loving my life.
i have all these friends.
all these peoples around me.
my family!~
and not to forget, Love. :)

i know. i know.
he's not perfect.
but i've said it once (or maybe twice or more) but i'll say it again.

"Ini cerita kami. Hanya kami yang tahu. :)"