pray for me my dears. i need all those wishes.
i am currently supposed to be studying for neurology test tomorrow but as usual. i got bored and sleepy. so, blogging is kind of a therapy. lagipun, da lama tak blog kan. haha~
neurology is fun. seriously. knowledge is fun right? no matter what it is.
then, why do we get bored? or fed up with it?
for neurology, it will be the fact that i have to memorised precisely what bloody blood vessels are affected and what are the symptoms caused by the injury. oh, not forgetting which part of the brain it affects. lalala~
mesti korg ta paham kan? haha!
stroke is also known as cerebral vascular accident (CVA). it is defined as the sudden onset of neurological symptoms more than 24 hours, usually acute and results in impaired or loss of functions.
saje nak bg korg pandai sekali. :P
ok. get to get back to understanding stroke patients. :D
Hello world!
1 year ago
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