As'salam !
This blog had been literally abandoned by me since the last post ! Well, I have been very busy with work, programs, commitments and more since then. :) I had been involved in a community program at Negeri Sembilan, I opened up a booth for an event in UiTM, then there's all this assignment and aerobic sessions, there was also the elderly program by MBPJ where my whole class was involved, then there's our innovation project. Phewwww~
That is not the end of it however, this weekend I've a Chic Pop date with my girls followed by an aerobic courses on the following day. Well, and the student's life again starts with test ! Not to mentioned, final research are going on now. Not just me, but this applies to my whole class. So far, I haven't seen a single person flopped out yet. :) I don't think I ever will as we survived last semester *one of the most horrible semester ever* therefore I doubt that we would ever give up NOW. No, no way. Not at the very end of the journey to get that scroll of Bachelor of Physiotherapy with Honours !
Well, as usual I'm rambling and imagining stuffs again. I would love to update about all the programs and events I've been involved but yet I am still busy. Maybe one day. :)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Super Girl !
Posted by AIN at 5:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Quick Update
Well, I do complains sometimes my life are to... un-eventful?
The fact is, I am bundled up with works after 3 weeks of class. The worst thing is that I just have no idea where should I start. After 2 weeks of procrastinating, I started on some of my works tonight. Repeat, SOME. and it's not even that much. =.='
Yes. I am a procrastinator. *Kahwin nak cepat pulak kan?* LOL !
This is always been a bad habit of mine ! Besides not being able to wake up early easily, not knowing how to cook, yadayadayada.. okay fine. I have to admit I have LOTS of flaws. So future husband, please bear with me at all times.
So, assignments.. Normal. I already have a few. Highlight of the semester is our Geriartric Program in collaboration with MBPJ. :) *To those who're confused, geriartrics means older person or "Warga Emas"* I love handling programs, but sometimes it exhausts me. Believe me, handling old people is not as easy as it looks. I'll talk more about this in another post.
The thing is, my head is spinning and eyes are begging me to close them till next week. Okay, tak lawak. I just wanna make a shout out. This morning we voted for our 3 months clinical placement next March. Ehem ehem...
p/s: Love is going away for the weekend. No, that is an understatement. He is going away for a freaking 4 days ! :'( Over much? Haha!
Posted by AIN at 1:13 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Lelaki Ini.
Boys. Men. Lovers.
I have a friend who had just gone through a -- i wouldn't call it breakup -- situation with a very close guy. He's not exactly her boyfriend, neither is he her best friend. Scandal? I don't know. Best described as someone she's trying to open up her heart to.
The guy claim that he loves her and that he's willing to wait for her. He claims that he's sincere, honest and most importantly, LOYAL. This is all his promise even after she broke his heart, not once but twice. Earlier, she just couldn't open up to him. They're living in two very very different world. He didn't gives up and keep trying to woe her, and at last she manages to open up her heart to him, bit by bit. Slowly, as she realises he is a nice guy and how can she ever find another man like him in this men eat men's world?
But boys would be boys right? They just couldn't settle for only ONE. They need more. NOT all the boys/men are the same. Only some of them. Still, why? Unfortunately, after not seeing each other for several weeks they went on a date. Out of the blue, she questions him about his past. Confidently, he denied. Somehow, her heart think twice. She ask him for his phone and *bam*. He panicked.
Long story short, she found out he is still texting FLIRTATIOUSLY with a girl from the past. Not only that, there were several other girls too. Why? Like seriously why? After what he claims, after what he promises, why? Maybe maybe she hurt him. Okay that is an understatement. She did hurt him, left him broken hearted before, BUT this is no reason to be dishonest!
She left him cause she couldn't hurt him by pretending that everything would turn out fine. She left him so that he could fine another girl that could love him better. She left him cause she care. But she didn't left him entirely, no? She came back, and open up her heart. An action to make up for what she did before.
and he have to LIE to her.
Tell me boys, guys or men out there. Why oh why does this thing happen? Are we to blame?
Please, don't PROMISE. don't GIVE HOPES. NEVER EVER.
As girls and women holds on to words forever. We never forgets. Never.
p/s: that boy still claim he's innocent. Bitchslap please?
Posted by AIN at 2:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 9, 2011
Animal Cruelty
I am supposed to be getting ready for an outside dinner with my family later this evening, but I just am gonna take a little time to post about this as it breaks my heart seeing all this cruelty in Malaysia !
Yes, they may not be human but their Allah's creation too ! Haven't it be stated that we must treat Allah's creation with justice and humanity ? Cats or dogs regardless what kind of animal they are they are innocent ! Why do these people have to treat them like a lifeless creatures?
Petknode! This is an evidence of how greedy a human can be ! *sigh* You can look up for updates about this case here. The fact that authorities not taking any actions earlier is heartbreaking too. Malaysians and animal lovers are practically swearing up to their heads !
Seriously all those animal abusers,what are you? I'm pretty sure you're not human.
p/s: My cat family will soon be bigger. :)
Posted by AIN at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Semester Start
I am having mixed feelings about starting class again.
I am loving the fact that I can relax and don't have to think about assignments and class. Ofcourse ! The fact that I could wake up at any time of the day is to be love love love ! Sometimes you just have to have that option once in a while. *wink* Okay yes, I am just plain lazy. :D
But, being a girl that just could not sit tight for too long... I hate hate hate the long holiday period ! Over 4 months, I've worked 3 kind of jobs. Amongst the 3, well lets just say I prefer being a student more. So, going back to class is a joy, at least in one way I'll always have something to do. Oh! Not to mention that atleast I feel like life is going somewhere and I want that somewhere to be a graduation! ;)
So, to everyone who is feeling sad about leaving the comfort of your own home for the sake of studies put a positive thought inside you. At least you can now finish what you started and then went back home, for good !
Oh! Not to mention it is our FINAL YEAR ! *woohoo*
Here I am, wishing all of you in my class and also any readers of mine Good Luck and I hope that we all achieve what we'd wanted in the 1st place after enrolling in the university !
HS224/07, maybe we can do this together next year?
p/s: My class timetable is getting shorter and less packed each semester. LOL !
Posted by AIN at 3:46 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 5, 2011
Raya Lookbook
This is a site for you to look through all these Raya Fashions !
So nice of the owner to set up things like this ! Easy reference I might say? ;)
For those of you looking for fashion inspiration I'd suggest Lookbook or Tumblr, whichever you prefer.
p/s: Check out my Raya Fashion post as I will be updating it with pictures !
Posted by AIN at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Walaupun tajuk post kali ini adalah "english" tetapi saya akan berbahasa melayu sepanjang entry ini. *okay, tak mungkin*
Kenapa dengan english? Begini ceritanya, selalu saja saya terbaca di laman sesawang Facebook status rakan rakan yang menggunakan english. Ini termasuklah diri ini. Tapi, perlu diingatkan di sini entry ini BUKAN untuk mengutuk menghina mencaci mengherdik mereka mereka ini dan mungkin diri saya sendiri juga. TAPI hanyalah sekadar NASIHAT & PERINGATAN. Jadi, janganlah ada yang sentap lepas baca. :)
Selalu sangat saya terbaca di Facebook status english yang maksudnya sepatutnya sangat mendalam. Tapi malang, kerana penggunaan English yang salah, struktur ayat yang salah ataupun direct translation dari bahasa melayu ke english menyebabkan status status yang bagus ini kadang kadang kurang difahami.
Apa? Ain berlagak? Tak ! Bukan nak meninggi diri. Ain bukan cikgu english dan ain tak hebat pun. Cuma dari pembacaan dan pembelajaran selama hidup 21 tahun ini *tua rasa* dapatlah kesan kesalahan kesalahan ini. Sedikit sebanyak, dalam entry ini dapatlah kita belajar sama sama kan? :) Sejujurnya, di sekolah dulu Ain sangatlah lemah dan tak yakin langsung nak bertutur dengan bahasa inggeris. Risau takut Ain tak dapat bersaing untuk dapatkan kerja dan bergaul di masa hadapan, abah hantar ain private tuition untuk english semata-mata. Cikgu Ain itu lah yang banyak membantu Ain sampai sekarang English tak menjadi masalah buat Ain.
Errr.... okay tiba tiba rasa letih type baku baku ni, pendek kata kalau nak buat status English di FB biarlah yang betul structure ayatnya and JANGAN guna direct translation. Ain nak tegur dalam FB nanti segan pulak and orang ingat Ain ni berlagak gila. Tapi seriously, bukan la nak membanggakan bahasa penjajah ni *dah tau confirm ada orang bangkitkan isu ni*. Cuma fikirlah, kalau Malaysian berfikiran sesempit ini, mmg takkan maju ! Menguasai bahasa penjajah bukan bermaksud kita masih dijajah ! Sebaliknya, untuk meletakkan kita sebaris dengan penjajah penjajah ni sume.
Think of it this way, would it be possible that they could manipulate us just by using words because they know how incapable of us to communicate with them clearly?
Bukan di peringkat negara je, tapi diperingkat office2 class and such.
Dalam entry ni jugak, ain akan feature a few examples of FB statuses yg ... pendek kata sukar difahami and maybe re-translate it. Siapa terasa status die jangan marah ye? :)
X: What so means?
Okay I really think this is supposed to be : What does it means?
X: ppl who are believe only wat they are see
Okay I really think this is supposed to be : People believe only what they see
Okay, ni je. HAHA. Gaya macam banyak eh? Malam ni ta ramai buat status, ramai upload gambar raya je. Mood raya lah katakan. :D
How to improve?
READ a lot of books in english ! Be it a fantasy novel, love novel or even educational book. BUT don't just read, take note on how the author structure their sentence and jot down every word that you don't understand and search through the dictionary for the meaning.
DON'T look through English-Malay dictionary. Instead, find an English-English dictionary. It helps to build your vocabulary.
CONFIDENCE ! okay fine, this is a cliché. This applies more to speaking not writing. How to learn speaking in correct English? Movies! Typical malays (I don't know how chinese & indians work this out) would rely on the subtitles. Change from reading to listening. Try to watch movies w/o the translation then try imitating them. I find that children (my sisters mostly) learn through this way. I do too !
Now, I think i've ramble a lot! Sorry, I am SAD to see bad english especially when you are already in your 20's .
Don't let people underestimate you just because you can't communicate with an understandable english. :)
p/s: Bahasa baku mula mula bajet nak tunjuk semangat ke-Malaysia-an tapi habit dah tulis bahasa rojak ni. Balik balik kesitu jugaklah. Kepada pencinta Bahasa boleh lah beri tunjuk ajar kepada saya camana nak buang habit guna bahasa rojak nih !
p/s/s: I blog in English all the time is also one way to improve my English which is not perfect. Go through my old posts, you WILL find errors. :) If you do find errors in this posts do let me know okay?
Posted by AIN at 12:33 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Raya Fashion
Typical topic ain't it? LOL!
But then, its one of the excitement of after-raya. Everyone, like every single person on FB will be uploading their Raya pictures, either family pictures, vain self pictures (or is it just me?) or food pictures. I love browsing through all of this especially ones that have people wearing all kinds of fashion in it.
So, this Raya one thing that caught my eyes is leopard prints ! Something different from the original flowery pattern like mine.
A friend of mine, her family (the girls ofc) all don on a simple plain baju kurung with leopard prints hijabs! Cute !
My classmate on the other hand opted for a green leopard printed baju kurung paired with a green satin hijab!
Wait, I think i see more of leopard but I can't recall. LOLS! Those mentions are the one that really caught my eyes as animal prints trends had been going on for a while and to be honest I really am not a big fan of it. Nice to have some stuffs with the trend though. :D
Will try to update with pictures the next time!
I wonder, what is the favourite look for Raya?
Posted by AIN at 7:19 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 2, 2011
Aidilfitri 2011
Assalamualaikum !
Now I know I'm not the good girl like most of you out there, so here goes my apology speech. :D
I am deeply SORRY for every wrongdoing of mine, that includes my mulut puaka, any bad thoughts, any bad wish, and if ada tersalah pukul cubit jeling. Yes. I know I am capable of ALL this bad behaviours. *sigh* I am also sorry if u ever feel annoyed with my habit of non stop talking and bragging. Sometimes, I really didn't meant any harm. Pressure do gets to me.
Pendek kata, MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN !
Most Importantly, may all our good deeds in the month of Ramadhan Al-Kareem diredhai Allah S.W.T.
Posted by AIN at 1:32 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 19, 2011
Malaysia vs Singapore

Posted by AIN at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Naza World Supports Harimau Malaya
The title speaks for itself. :)
Posted by AIN at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Late Late Post
Yes yes I know ! Football is over ~ Although BPL will starts again in the next few days, here I am talking about pre-season. Ketinggalan zaman maybe. But I just didn't find the time to post about it. :)
Posted by AIN at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Month of Love
Yes. Its the month of Love and its not February. :)
Posted by AIN at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Public Love Affair
I have another topic to post about but lets keep that to a later date as this is as hot as a story can be.
Posted by AIN at 2:15 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Arsenal Asia Tour..
and many more updates on what I have been up too since the last post :D
Posted by AIN at 12:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Tidy Up.
Assalamualaikum !
Posted by AIN at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Conceited Brat.
Yes i am. That's why I talk only about me on this blog. Well, it is my blog right? :)
Posted by AIN at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 14, 2011
I wish i could tell you the truth. I wish i could tell you what i felt. I wish i could open up that easily.
Posted by AIN at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 9, 2011
Well, i'd started my holiday since 25th of April but have nothing to blog about as i was doing nothing, except shop, date and finishing my still unfinished research proposal. :)
Posted by AIN at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Frenemies. Friends. Enemies.
What is it with all these haters? or frenemies? They are friends yet they are enemies.
Posted by AIN at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Of Imperfections & Corrections
I've meet lots of people through out my life. Each and everyone with different personalities and principles. I, personally never have a problem being told off or corrected.
Posted by AIN at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 18, 2011
Exam Fever
No, i am not that busy but i just don't have anything to post about. :) I am actually in the midst of study week, thus blogging are a way to chillax and spill my stress out. One of the way that is.
Posted by AIN at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Mid Life Crisis
Yes. I have a midlife crisis. 21 with a midlife crisis. whatever logic that exists in that statement.
Posted by AIN at 1:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 1, 2011






 something we do, whenever we're bored, stressed and like to do together.


Posted by AIN at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 28, 2011
Fabulous Weekend :)





Posted by AIN at 12:26 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Posted by AIN at 12:10 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Not that many people actually knew who I really am. Unfortunately, for me these few people doesn't stay long in my life, literally.
Posted by AIN at 5:09 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
M.A.C WonderWoman
At last. I may be a late buyer compared to some, but i am happy ~
Posted by AIN at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Posted by AIN at 12:59 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Birthday Surprise


Then during my 1st year in Physiotherapy, my housemates surprised me with a cake. Also a simple one, but memorable.
And today, nevermind its a day late. It was awesome with some of my birthday wishlist granted ! The balloons ! Brownies ! carbonara ! and most important Awesome friends and lovable boyf ! The fact that yC planned it with Naim, makes it more awesome ! I am loving the surprise ! LOve Love Love ! I couldn't say more. I can't describe it. Haha. Gedik much?
I am blessed. Enough said.
p/s: Masih berkecil hati seorang itu tak ada. :(
nota lagi: pictures have to wait for them. If there is any pics at all. They said i just couldn't sit still. Well, i am too excited. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
So, truth is after several weeks of overloaded happiness in Love life we are headed to disaster this week. Fights after fights commenced. He said its my fault, and I said it's his. Well, don't all fights goes that way?
Its true. We are as different as Venus and Mars. Its hard to find similarities between us. That what brought us together and even apart.
We are too different apart.
We addressed that fact since we decided we love each other. Okay, that sounds cheesy. Haha. or weird? whatever.
the point is, it really doesn't matter whether u share the same passion or not. Most people thought that its better to have the exact same passion to actually make the relationship works.
its really is about our own attitudes. try to not just 'take', but remember to 'gift'.
For girls (as i am one), learn how to fit in their life by understanding, learning and actually taking an interest in what they're doing. Then, this could actually be the tool for u to prompt him to take notice on what u want. :)
I have no idea, as i see other couples are perfectly in love. But I know, some men are hard to get through. They just don't know how. And i repeat, SOME men only. while the others, easily gets a girls smitten by their way. and they easily noticed and understands what a girl actually likes.
I have no idea what i am babbling about. Its just that, sometimes in relationship we fights over the silliest thing when its easier to talk calmly about it. Passion is not the factor to survive Love, its actually maturity, attitude and of course Mr. LOVE itself. :)
p/s: we make peace. He assured me, we could never be better. *lovesmuch*
Posted by AIN at 12:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
De-stress High Tea
Okay. My class is really stressed out with the overloaded assignments given to us this semester. It's like a never ending nightmare. The first few weeks i was quite dedicated, turning down offers to go out or meet up from friends. This week, i decided to do the exact opposite. I just couldn't care less anymore. I'm just so stressed out, and when i do no matter how long i stare at the laptop, i just couldn't get anything done as i would tweet, blog-walk or just watch the tv which is a lot more interesting than the assignments. :)
Tomorrow,there's an assignment due before 4pm. i have a class at 8.30am. and a research proposal meeting at 12.30pm which i hadn't done a thing yet. So that gives me till tonight to actually get the assignments done which is only 40% done i would say? yea, i know. crazy me. It's just the way i work when my life's schedule is all over the place.
The problem with scheduling my life? I just hates schedule. I prefer to be impulsive. lol. I love to sleep, so whenever i feel like sleeping i would just sleep. Even if i tried not to sleep and try to focus on work, i'd still sleep in the end. This practically happens everytime i tried to do work early. *konon pelajar cemerlang and tak last minute* So, u probably got my point now.
Around 4pm, Sis Raby called me inviting me to join them for brownies. I don't regret accepting the invites. The brownies is awesome ! Try it out at the Upstair's Cafe near SDMC, Subang Jaya. The pastas is not bad too. :) I don't have pics to share, if any of the botox girls uploaded it, i'll try to share if i'm in the mood for updates. If not, go try and tangkap gambar sendiri. haha.
Gotta go shower then struggle to survive degree. XD
Posted by AIN at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Friends keep literally harassing me with the questions of "am i not bored of literally being together 24/7?" .
Yes. We are the typical annoying couple. We text all the time. We are in the same class. We go out all the time. Simply said, we are literally together all the time.
No. We are never bored. When friends harassed me with these questions, i re-harassed him back with the same questions. Aren't u bored already with me? The answers stays the same, No. Answers from the heart or merely trying to protect my heart, only he and God knows.
Recently, friends found out the way we texts. Well, enough said they make a good laugh out of it. Dang ~ I couldn't explained it. But we enjoyed each other company, that i believe. Why i believe that? Never ask. Neither of us could answer that.
Then came out another Q. Aren't u afraid u will be bored in long term? Well, i certainly am not afraid. He used too, though he's not showing any signs of it now.
These Qs comes from the single friends.
Once ur in the same kind of relationship, u might get what i feel. or maybe not.
it really depends on each individual's personality.
I am not bragging, cause friends know we're not the perfect couple. :)
I just felt like sharing. Although my blog is unknown except to close friends. :)
Posted by AIN at 1:52 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
How is it one person is dominant to the other person on a relationship?
Some may claims that such things don't exists. Some may claims that that means the relationship is not true?
In genetic biology, we have a dominant chromosome and non-dominant. In musculoskeletal biology, we have agonist and antagonist muscles. In an organization, we have a leader and follower or followers.
so, why can't these happens in a relationship? To me, it is perfectly normal for one between the two to be dominant in some or all ways. it is either, one of u are dominant in certain things while the other are dominant in other things. or one of u are dominant and another is a total follower.
somehow, i feel like my last paragraphs doesn't make any sense. oh, whatever. the point is, dominant or non-dominant is not the problem. it's how u handle the relationship.
I am sleepy so i'll cut it short instead of rambling. An example would be a friend of mine. Yes, she's the dominant type and yes, she's single;currently. As friends, we diagnosed her problem as boys-afraid-to-approach-because-u-r-dominant syndrome.
recently, we told her if this guy she's had her eyes on couldn't deal with her than move on *sort-of-like-that*. One day, there will be a guy who would make she feels insecure and that is the time, she'll know that guy could be the one who could handle her.
however, i gave it a second thought. If a guy truly loves u, he doesn't have to make u feel insecure, and he too, doesn't have to feel insecure. The right guy does not have to be more powerful, instead he would know just the way to deal with u without crashing down ur ego. :)
p/s: even if the guy is more powerful and u like him, go for it girl ! *loves*
Posted by AIN at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Love from Starbucks.
It had been almost a month since I'm back in Subang, KL or beloved Selangor basically. I am everywhere most of the time. I haven't updated before as I don't really have anything to share besides the fact that I am overloaded with assignments and works. This includes, this week.
On Monday, clinical resources folder are due. That, and sports presentation regarding injury prevention, sports 2nd 'take-home' quiz. As for today, we had just found out that we've got another assignments of EBP, also due on Monday. Haven't I told you yet? Physiotherapist, regardless of their status (students or qualified) are all superwomen and supermen !
I know i know, being in a calm environment, people tend to blog everything romantic fun or reminisces something worthwhile. Why am I blogging on these things then? One thing at a time okay? :)
First, physiotherapist though works during offices hours only, we treats quite close to a hundred patients a day, with one patient taking approximately one hour each. additionally, our job uses a lot of physical strength. we don't just talk and look as our assessment. we talk, look, touches and moves the patient's using our strength to diagnose, em. no, make that to make an impression in order to determine treatment. Diagnose, is a doctor's job. :)
Recently, no. Yesterday, a friend of mine brought up the issues of physiotherapists being underpaid despite what we gave and had compared to a medical doctor. I don't blame anyone on this, but i do agree with his point. i guess, maybe one day someone would actually voice this out for what its worth then? :)
Love. okay. i don't have anything to say anymore. Preserved everything for a next time perhaps?
Posted by AIN at 6:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Love from Muar, Last ed.
New Year Post and Toasts.
2010 has been good to me most of the times. *loves*
Studies, at last my grades are up! tho not as good as i hope. Thankful! I aim to at least graduate with a 3 pointer. can't really get that 1st class degree, no? :) Its okay. I'm the one to blame, fully. At least i'm trying. LOLS. *alasansangat*
Friendships, well lets just put it this way, I read, that we should always protect our relationship with everyone for the sake of God, and seriously if we can go pujuk our bf and all, even forgave them asap, why not that goes the same with our gfs? Just saying. :)
I'm lucky i have yC and geng Jahat Patio ~ they are the types where Forever and Always is always possible! :)
Life, is also good! lols. My class organized the weekly aerobic session for our campus and the annual dinner for our course. All in all, its good. This semester kind of have been a time for me to actually bond with classmates. We're even going on a trip next sem. :) Social life is good too. I am practically out all the times. Eventho with the same person. ngee~ *gedix!*
Clinical Postings. LOLS. the 1st one was play and fun all the time in the sun! and Love everydayyy~ haha. Second one? well, i actually went back once every fortnight. except for these final 3 weeks. and the idea of Love going crazy of not able to meet up, *hemissessme!* which i thought would never happen really really warms my heart. :)
Love. Nothing i could complaint more of. We're not perfect, we have our fights, but for the moment no fights could break us apart. :)
Mum and dad have been supportive as ever. Got me a car for my own. :) No, not the ridiculously priced imported sports car. Just an average Proton Pesona. love em! for everything everything they did for me! *tears*
What else can i say? 2010 is gooodd~
hope 2011 would be better!
Happy New Year everyone!
Posted by AIN at 11:09 PM 0 comments